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Business Moves
GKN DELVES INTO DEVON • GKN Autoparts has opened a new truckparts centre in south Devon which is now open for business and offering special services to truck operators. The......
THE ITALIAN JOB • Motorway toll booths at Santhia and Alice Castello on the Santhia-Ivrea stretch (A4/ A5 motorways) have been abolished. According to the International Road......
ROAD TO SUCCESS • The Road Transport Training Board introduces The Road To Work career package, which gives advice on entry requirements and career prospects in sales,......
LOW PROFILE PLATFORMS • Griffith Elder of Bury St Edmunds has introduced a lowprofile electronic weighing platform for roll containers. When a conventional weighing platform is......
MAKING THE MOST OF THE MEDIA • Making effective use of the media is the theme of a transport conference on 26 January at the Ramada Inn, London SW1. The range of topics includes......
GETTING READY FOR EUROPE • The loose-leaf reference book producer, Croner Publications, has introduced a new legal, business and industrial information service on Europe and the......
FLEET FINANCE OFFER • Bolton-based Iveco Ford dealer Harper Gordon Trucks has launched a fleet finance promotion on the Ford Cargo 0813 and 0815 7.5-tonners. The promotion lasts......
Ser1/10es Psv Terminal
• Husk has installed a specia service bay at its Dover Freight Terminal to accommodate buses and coaches. For details contact Husk (UK), Th4 Freight Terminal, Lydden Hill, Nr......
AUTOGUARD ANTI-THEFT • Autoguard Security Systems of London is now offerir4 StrongArm — an anti-theft device which locks on the steering wheel of a vehicle and hooks around the......