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Rivett Heads Nccs
IATIONAL CARRIERS Contract entices, a separate division rithin the National Freight onsortium, has chosen direc)rs. Paul Riven leads the team as ianaging director and he is......
Bailey On Board
OHN BAILEY, sales and menunturing director of ERF, has • een elected to the company's lain board. In his new post he will be wolved in all of the group's acvities. Before......
Eric Kay To Retire
ERIC KAY, director of engineering for South Yorkshire PTE is to take early retirement in February. He became a director at the formation of the PTE nine years ago, but started......
Membership Services
BECAUSE OF the decision to make Membership Services into an independent division within the British Road Services Group, various new positions have been created. Tony Scragg......
111/1's Top Man
PIERRE SEMERENA has become president-directeur general of Renault Vehicles Industriels. He has spent his whole career with the Renault group, in particular as head of the......