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No More Beat-ups Under The Thames
THE DAYS of the Dartford tunnel grand prix are numbered. The present speed limit of 40mph is not enforceable and the police wish it to be raised to 50mph, with constant radar......
21-year-old Hits The Jackpot
A 21-YEAR-OLD who runs his own transport business from home in Atherstone, Warwicks, beat more than 1,000 contestants in a competition for a Leyland Roadtrain costing £30,000.......
Mercedes Puts The Fire Out
"FLEET SUPPORT" is liberally interpreted by Mercedes-Benz. Members of the fleet support and dealer service teams are charged with the duty of assisting the driver of any......
All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Park
IN REPRESENTATIONS to AllParty Motor Industry Group of MPs, George Turnbull, president of the SMMT, complained bitterly of "A capital becoming clogged with coaches simply......
Ask A Silly Question .
WHY would West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive not build a bus shelter? The following 33 crisp words from a sentence of 109 words may not answer the question but they......
Holes In M1 Demand A Bigger Engine
THINGS have come to a pretty pass when a coach company is almost compelled to exchange a 175bhp engine for one of 252bhp in an S-registered vehicle to make up time lost in......
Why "no Comment' On Daf Spares?
WAS GEORGE PEARSON, managing director of A and G Pearson Transport, uttering an evasive and suspicious "no comment" when asked about Daf Trucks' parts supply service Perish the......