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Still No Brake Kits
c ONCERN is still being expressed by hauliers at the unavailability of approved brake modification kits for existing vehicles which will need to meet Ministry figures for......
Higher Rates For Wool Textiles
A RECOMMENDED increase of 5 per cent in the haulage rates for wool textiles to and from east and west-coast ports and London is being made by the Bradford and District Hauliers'......
Maidstone By - Pass Extension: The Minister Of Transport...
route of a 61-mile western extension to the Maidstone by-pass motorway. This extension—the Ditton by-pass—will bring A20 (M) up to 14 miles of motorway. It is expected that......
Don't Distort Goods Transport With 'subsidies', Says Rha
E ACH form of transport should be allowed to develop naturally without Government discrimination and without a distortion of transport patterns through fiscal policies or......
Operators Alarmed By Power Of N Fa
EFERRING to the dangers associated with the creation of the National Freight Authority, at a Transport Association luncheon in London on Tuesday, Mr. C. S. Bond, a past......
Dithering Over White Paper
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A T the beginning of this week Ministers were still undecided about what to put into the Labour Government's first White Paper on transport and......