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?ii, It's Pretty
OD morning! How do you feel about "distribution Unctions for off-peak driver work trips for interactance is areas grouped by values of the decay constant"? Yes, a! Very decayed.......
Rying Different Fish
l'RE is a ring of life's ambition achieved about a piece f news that has just come my way. Mike Connell, general manager of Tecal emit (Engineering) Ltd., is off to the Seas. An......
W-vintage Port?
ETECT a warming up of the ding-dong between the wernment and the Port of Bristol Authority on the tender of Portbury, the proposed new port. At a recent public ig the PBA......
Pge Management
Ft my money, this is the most intriguing correction the journal has ever published. Among "New Companies" on June 24 artlett's (Stage Coaches) Ltd., whose objects were stated......
7ts Wha Hae
REQUEST from this journal to the Ministry of Transport for Press passes for the opening of the Tay and Severn s has brought forth a curious reply: "Your letter has been to the......
Bird's Eye
View BY THE HAWK Fearless EADERS will know that Fred Hope has not long returned IX from demonstrating his anti-jack-knife device in America, where the Teamsters Union is......