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"cut Back Road Haulage"
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT B RITAIN'S road haulage industry should be compulsorily cut back by Government action. That, says the Railway Review, official organ of the......
Iuel Storage Te Sts Inadequate ?
IN a report on a potentially dangerous I leakage of petrol at a large garage in Dover earlier this year, the Kent Fire Brigade suggest that the present method 3f testing fuel......
London To Help Ceylon Reorganize Transport
ONDON TRANSPORT are to send out to Ceylon two of their engineers o advise the Ceylon Transport Board on he reorganization of the bus services here. The engineers are Mr. W. C.......
Vehicle Guarantee Scheme
Q N Wednesday the Motor Agents' Association launched a new type of guarantee system covering vehicle purchase and repair. It is to be, known as the Fidelity scheme and will be......
Modification Granted To Docks Haulier
S TRIKES at both Covent Garden Market and at London Docks were said to be the reason for a Woolwich operator, J. J. B. Mendez, applying to the Metropolitan Licensing Authority......