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London Tipper Group Will Fight The Big Men If Necessary
by Roger Howell • There was a good turn out of smalltipper operators on Friday evening to an open meeting at the Alexandra National Hotel, Finsbury Park, London, called to......
Grants For York Artic Courses
• Artie drivers' training courses run by York Trailer Co. Ltd., as a customer service, have been approved by the R.T.I.T.B., so they now qualify for the Board's "off-the-job"......
• N Ext Year's
• Continental shows • Commercial vehicles will be exhibited • at six international motor shows on the ; Continent next year, and will be featured • at seven trade fairs. • First......
Roads Report
• Roads in England 1967/68 (House of Commons Paper No. 1) is now available from HM Stationery Office priced 15s. The report states that at the end of last March 502 miles of......