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Grants Of Up To £45 For Ldoy Entrants?
• If the revised grants proposed by the Road Transport Industry Training Board last week (CM August 9) are approved, amounts of up to £45 per entry may be paid in grants for......
Plating And Testing Examination Procedure
• In preparation for the goods vehicle plating and testing scheme which starts in October 1968, the Minister of Transport has now issued directions setting out the examination......
New Container Unit
• A new production unit, especially designed for volume output of aluminium freight containers, became fully operational at the factory of Metropolitan-Carnmell Ltd. on......
Saving F200rn A Year
• Transport costs in industry could be reduced by more than £200m a year by 1980 if the Government carries out an extended programme of motorway building, says a report......
Jones Depot Opens
• Mr. Peter Walker, Shadow Minister of Transport, pledged that he would see the quantity licensing clause of the Transport Bill rescinded, when the Tory party returned to power.......
Forth Road Bridge Tolls Going Up?
• A quick increase in the 2s 6d flat rate toll for using the Forth road bridge–probably involving sharp differentials for commercial vehicles–has been recommended by......