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G Operate Three Vehicles From Premises Which Are Soon To Be
included in a housing development scheme. As I have acquired a yard which is only one street away, will it be necessary for me to inform the Licensing Authority, and, if I do,......
Q I Have Seen A Number Of References To The -...
and experts appear to disagree on its potential merits. Although the description appears to be self-explanatory, it is used in rather a vague way. Could you please give an exact......
Q I Note In Cm July 5, That There Is No
standard bus specification for any 12m etre model, although this length of chassis is now legal. On the Continent there are many standard 12-metre designs. Is there any official......
I Notice That Some Overhauled London Transport...
without the usual cover plates on the rear wheels. Is this yet another step in the decline of standards noticeable among many bus operators including LTB and, if so, why have I......
Q In The Article On Container Transfer
systems (CM August 9), reference is made on page 83 to the Multi-Lift system, a Finnish design manufactured in this country by Multi//ft Ltd., Broughton, near Shrewsbury. Can......
R T Will A Motor Mechanic, Salesman Or Linff' Person...
in road-testing vehicles be required to hold a heavy goods vehicle driver's licence? If so, will he be required to pass a test? A All those who drive heavy goods vehicles ^ will......