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Hgv Test Sell Out?
THE INDUSTRY is sceptical about Government plans to sell all 91 heavy goods vehicle test stations to private enterprise chains as part of its withdrawal from "non-essential"......
Arlington Profits Up Fourfold
4RLINGTON MOTOR Holdings Ltd's pre-tax profits have increased more than fourfold since its introduction to the stock exchange in 1971. The 1980 figure of £1.45m :ompares with......
Halfway Hush
INTERIM noise limits will bring in an 88 dB(A) limit on lorries built after April 1,1983. The limits, which are in line with standards agreed within the European Community, are......
Westm Ns Ter Haul
THERE ARE vehicles and vehicles. And for most of the MPs who debated the problems of the motor industry — all of them from the Midlands — it was obvious that the only ones which......