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We Can't Be That Bad, Chaps!
DENIS HOWELL, former Minister of Sport. Disaster, Flood and Drought, is an appropriate co-sponsor of an all-party lobby to press the case of the British vehicle components......
Seven Characters On A Plate
MINISTER OF TRANSPORT Norman Fowler is looking for a new series of vehicle registration marks for introduction in 1983. He needs - a simple and sensible system which people will......
Contractor Of The Year
A CONTRACTOR of the year award (Midland distribution division) is presented by CPC (United Kingdom) Ltd to a firm that excels in some way. This year it has gone to William......
Giltspur To The Rescue
MORE THAN 5000 kilos of urgent medical supplies, food, clothing, and household items have been gathered together at Gittspur Butlens' Hinckley depot for airfreighting to Somalia......
Right You Are!
WILL the unions heed the Road Haulage Association's repeated warnings that only a token wage rise can be awarded in the next round of negotiatiations? More than half the 16 per......
Warm Reception At The Metropole
IF THE Motor Show at the National Exhibition Centre is not priced out of existence, it will not be for want of help from the Birmingham Metropole Hotel. A manufacturer who......