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Pressure Mounts For Zero Limit
it Pressure is mounting on Parliament to slash the drink-drive limit to zero. Last week Roads Minister Robert Key described a noalcohol level as "the only effective limit". "Our......
Share Reward For Hard Work
• More than 1,000 workers at Leyland Daf Vans have received Christmas bonuses of £200 worth of shares. This follows healthy sales since the firm was rescued from the threat of......
Urtu Fights For 60
by Kathy Watson • The United Road Transport Union is urging drivers to join a campaign to cut the mandatory retirement age to 60. URTU president Mike Billingham believes the......
Agency Driver Foils Hijackers
• An agency driver working out of the John Dee's Rotherham distribution centre has foiled an attempt to hijack his consignment of beer by throwing away his keys. Mike Pullen had......
Transfleet Plans To Target Specialists
• Transfleet plans to offer specialist packages to specific areas of the transport industry, says managing director Brian Templar. He sees Transfleet's roll as providing......