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Parceline Moves Into Logistics
• Express parcels carrier Parceline will take its first major step into logistics next month with a warehousing and distribution contract in the financial services sector. The......
Low Cost Claim
• General Parcels claims it can now deliver small freight consignments throughout Europe up to 50% cheaper than its integrated rivals. Michael Howe, managing director of UK......
Turkey For Christmas
by Grant Prior • Three truck drivers face Christmas in a Turkish jail after being caught up in an alleged export fraud. They will appear in court in the New Year and are......
Morrison Warehouse Inquiry May Hit Jobs
• Sixty new drivers jobs could be axed in Cheshire during a public inquiry into a supermarket chain's plan to build a warehouse and distribution centre. The Department of the......
Intermodal Pact
• Hauliers setting up combined transport operations can apply for launch funds from the European Community under a new scheme called I'ACT (Pilot Action for Combined Transport).......
Euro Road Scheme
• The European Commission wants to spend £170bn on Europe's transport infrastructure. The "Growth Competitiveness and Employment" programme it presented at last weekend's EU......