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Teamed Up
DAF has appointed a new main dealer for the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire area. Based at Alfreton Road, Underwood, Nottinghamshire, Marshall DAF Trucks is close to junction 27......
Under Used
AMPLE off-street lorry parking space is available in the London borough of Southwark, reports the borough council. The Rolls Road park off the Old Kent Road near the Bricklayers......
FOR the first time ever foreign motor vehicles are to be assembled in China. Harpers International has announced that it is to build an assembly plant at Shumchun, just across......
Public Warning For Meat Overloads
TWO OVERLOADING offences on meat consignments from the Continent resulted in a public warning for a South Wales operator. C. Clode & Sons of the Wholesale Fruit Centre, Cardiff......
Fourth-axle Bedford Tm
THE FIRST eight-wheel rigid 30-ton Bedford TM has been built by means of a fourth-axle conversion. The conversion work was done by the Primrose Third Axle Co of Blackburn on the......
Dispute Rumbles Oi
THE FIRM of Alec Ay Transport Ltd, Fraserburg haulage contractors, is st off the road, despite tt nationally-agreed wage deg The firm's 21 drivers are dispute with managemei......