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Rubbish Profiteers Scour Th E Streets
etS RUBBISH piles up in the streets and dustment continue their month-long strike, there have been several initiatives, 3ublic and private, to remove the mountains of litter,......
Hazard Routeing?
THE RISKS involved in the passage of road tankers through built-up areas are under discussion on a local basis, with a view to the possible adoption of improved arrangements for......
Money Makes ...
WALTER Alexander's pre-tax profits for the half year to September 20 1978 were 5.7 per cent up on the corresponding period of 1977. The company had a half year turnover of £14.6......
Opening Up North Western British Road Services Has Opened...
They are at Warrington and Burnley, and mean that North Western BRS rental service now covers all industrial Lancashire, Cheshire, the Potteries and North Wales. Vehicles......
Serving There Are About 12,000 Hgv-licence Holders In The...
Services at home and abroad who are engaged in driving duties or could be diverted to this task, said Dr John Gilbert, Minister of State for Defence, in the Commons.......
Pilot Electric Two Proposals For Batch Production Have...
Stating this in the House of Commons Les Huckfield Under Secretary for Industry added that a pilot production of battery electric delivery vans had commenced and would continue......