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Ro Not Only Voice
-I reference to the article on very in CM, June 25, I feel the reported comments by Veils on Avro could be a misleading. No mention is e of Category E members, are mainly......
Recovery — Tell It Like It Is
HAVING read T. Carruthers' "Recovery — dreams and the reality" letter (CM June 18), I agree with every word. It's perfect, exactly what happens in the recovery business; I have......
Neat Drivers, Please Take A Bow
ONE OFTEN hears and reads of complaints against the "Juggernaut" as a so-called menace to modern society. As a regular user of the M1 and M4I see in my travels thousands of......
Truth Never Hurts The Teller
I WAS DISTURBED to read your article on "Election '83" (CM May 28) in which you state "The current Labour-controlled GLC has virtually frozen the road building programme". I do......