16th March 1962, Page 45
16th March 1962
Page 45

Page 45, 16th March 1962
1vi.p. Seeks Rules For "dangerous" Loads
T HE openin g shots in the Commons battle over the Road Traffic Bill have been strictly confined to the minor armament, writes our Political Correspondent. While M.P.s are......
Suggested For The Monopolies List
SPEEDOMETERS and wiring for motor 6-) vehicles were amon g the commodities whose supply position was su gg ested for reference to the Monopolies Commission durin g 1961. This is......
Carlisle As Haulage Centre?
HE lar g e-scale developinent of the I Carlisle area as a key transport centre, especially for g oods haula g e, is visualized in a report which has recently been accepted by......