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Badgerline Monopoly
• Badgerline's takeover of Midland Red West, trading as City Line, is "against the public interest", says a Monopolies & Mergers Commission report published this week. However,......
• Over 60 Bus Operators Are Under Investigation By The
OFT on charges of anti-competitive practices. The Badgerline report has been welcomed by all the operators on the OFTs list who talked to Commercial Motor. "I am very encouraged......
Blundred's Show Ready For The Road
• Harry Blundred's Docklands minibus challenge to London Buses was boosted last week when Transit Holdings was granted its seven road services licences. These are subject to......
Awd Psv Policy
• Six AWD buses with Locomotor bodies are bound for a tough life in Pakistan. Supplied through the Crown Agents, the vehicles are designed to carry heavy loads on bad roads. AWD......