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• Federal Express Beamed Up With Cartoon Aid To Make
more than 75,000 of its UK customers red in the face on Red Nose Day last week by delivering Cartoon Aid packs to them. The surprise packets contained a Cartoon Aid T-shirt, a......
• En Route To Supervise His Fledglings At The Cm
eyrie last week, the Hawk spotted one trucker who was obviously determined not to be outdone and to have the biggest and best red nose on show for Comic Relief. Instead of......
/ Do You Want The Protection Of Union Membership? Worried
that it might spoil that hard-won yuppie image? Never fear, the TGWU is moving upmarket too, with a trendy leather Filofax for every new member. While having no argument with......
• How Often Do We Hear Criticism Of Legislation Which...
"What a waste" . . . "it's not necessary" . . . "It only adds to the cost" . . are typical of the sceptical comments bandied about. The driver of this Fiesta which took a bite......