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Light Eight-wheeler From E.r.f.
r 'rHE most recent E.R.E. 88R, supplied 1 to Shell-Mex and BP Ltd., is stated to be the lightest eight-wheeler ever to leave the factory, having a chassis/cab weight of 5 tons 8......
C. And U. Rules Soon
A MAJOR consolidation of the Con struction and Use Regulations will be presented to Parliament by Mr. Marples early next.year. A draft of his proposals has been prepared and......
T.r.t.a. Opposes Drive-on-right
T HE Traders' Road Transport Association is opposed to a change from left to right, in the rule of the road. The decision is a qualified one in the sense that-if-any fresh......
• Six-point Plan For Railways I N A Six-point Plan Which
it has drawn up criticizing the Transport Commission's workshop closure plans, the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions lays down two points which affect road......