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Councils Plan Lgtb Hgv Training
• Glamorgan County Council is to provide training facilities for hgv drivers to help other South Wales authorities to counter the high failure incidence which is affecting their......
Free Travel In London?
• A rates-subsidized scheme for free travel on London buses and the Underground network is outlined in a Green Paper published by the GLC on Wednesday. It is among several ideas......
Ptas To Stay
• The Minister of Transport has decided that the Passenger Transport Areas established on Merseyside, Tyneside, in the West Midlands and in SouthEast Lancashire/North-East......
'raise Prices Or Go Broke Dilemma
• "The only alternative to increased charges is bankruptcy" is the belief of the RHA Medway Towns, Sittingbdurne and Faversham sub-area, expressed in a Press statement issued......