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Overloading Talks
• Following talks between Ministry of Transport officials and FTA and RHA representatives this week, it is understood that the Minister of Transport will consider proposals put......
More French Permits
• The quota of permits available to British hauliers operating into or through France has been raised by 2800 for the remainder of the year, bringing the total to 17,800 with an......
Test Points
• Any vehicle which had a GV9 imposed on it could have that prohibition notice removed at any testing station; operators could help themselves by bringing their vehicles for......
New Tmc Centre
• A new area of the Transport Managers Club had its inaugural meeting at Southwick in Sussex on Wednesday. Fifty founders and their guests attended, together with a past......
Brs Parcels Opening
• New premises for BRS Parcels Ltd were opened in Ipswich last week. Conveniently situated on a 54-acre site in Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate, they comprise a main building of......
Mistaken Identity
• In the report of CM's Fleet Management Conference, a photograph at the foot of page 82 of the September 25 issue was identified as Mr N. W. Abbott (T. Wall and Sons). The......
Confidence, But No Trick
• The Guild of Transport Managers, in producing its own plans at the request of the Ministry of Transport, is almost certain to support the idea of registration or licensing for......
All-transport Ministry?
• Mr J. R. Stainton, in his presidential address to the Institute of Transport on Monday, urged the case for a Ministry dealing with all aspects of transport. The Ministry of......
Cargo Booking At Containerbases
• The Containerbase Federation Ltd announces that its bases are now operating extensive shift systems and are generally open 24 hours per day. From October 19, to help shippers,......
Industry's Freedom To Flourish
• "We lead the world in commercial vehicles", the Minister of Technology. Mr John Davies, told members and guests at the annual dinner of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and......