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Council May Want Fares Increase
A SPECIALmeeting of Wallasey Town Council was yesterday due to discuss a proposal by the transport committee to increase the undertaking's boat and bus fares, and to abolish......
Leicester Congestion Trouble
LL EICESTER City Council was told last week of the "desperate straggle" to keep buses running to schedule because of increased traffic congestion in the city centre. Cllr.......
"display Minimum Fare"
WHEN Rochester and Marshall, Ltd., VI' of Great Whittington, Co. Durham, applied for removal of a protective fare last week, the Northern Traffic Commissioners refused the......
Nottingham Staff Shortage Mott1ngham Transport Depart]....
difficulty in recruiting platform staff, the transport committee were told on Monday. They heard that the undertaking was 67 short. There had, in consequence, been an increase......
London Conference On Ergonomics
A N ergonomics conference is to be organized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research in London on September 27. It will last for three days. Ergonomics is the......
Halifax Crush-loaders?
H ALIFAX Joint Omnibus Committee is discussing with the local branch of the Transport and General Workers Union the operation of one-man-operated crush-loaders.......
All Lit Up—perhaps Question Of Permitting Neon...
roof of its Piccadilly bus station is to be considered by Manchester Transport Committee later this month, It is understood that objection to the scheme is being made by members......
Mileage Down But Surplus Yielded
A N overall mileage reduction of 343,293 was effected by Nottingham Transport Department during the year ended March 31 last. Trolteybus mileage was reduced from 4,398,560 to......
. Ceylon's Cash Problem
T HE Ceylon Transport Board will buy only about 150 of the 480 vehicles it intended originally to purchase this year, it has announced, because it does not have sufficient......