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Business Moves Chapman Stevens Heads North
• PSV insurance specialist Chapman Stevens has opened a new northern area office at 2 Deans Court, Crown Square, Manchester. The latest location is intended to increase Chapman......
Dia In The West
• The Road Haulage Association has moved its western district offices from Redfield to new premises at Bristol. The full address is Roadway House, Cribbs Causeway, Bristol BS10......
Public Access At Colnirook
• Operators of skip-loaders and other waste collection vehicles in the West London area can now use a new disposal site at Colnbrook between 04:00 and 18:00. Grundon Group's......
More Multilaterals
III The Commission of the European Communities has decided to increase the UK quota of European Community Multilateral permits by 125. Hauliers are invited to apply. Applicants......
Accident Help From Fleetdrive
• Fleetdrive, the Bristolbased contract hire company, is now offering accident management as part of all its basic contracts, at no extra cost, from 1 January 1988. Accident......
Trimoco Leasing's Winter Kit
• Trimoco Vehicle Leasing is including a winter care kit in all its car-derived vans and light commercials supplied to contract hire or lease. The kit includes a lock deicer,......
Clevepol Hazchem • The 1988 Clevepol International...
be held at the Wynyard Hall Conference Centre, Stocktonon-Tees, Cleveland, on 1/2 June. Enquiries to Inspector Dave Hunter, Cleveland Constabulary, Police Headquarters, PO Box......
Tankcon At Morley
• The Road Haulage Association will be holding its 1989 TankCon show at the Park Hall Hotel leisure and conference centre, near Chorley, Lancashire from 12-16 June 1989. The......
Cv Buyers Guide Ii
• Keeping track of all the different commercial vehicles currently available can be a daunting task for fleet engineers and small hauliers. With so many variants it is easy to......