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B.r.s. Raise Rates: 7 Average
O o Monday, British' Road Services will raise their rates to cover increased costs of wages, fuel, tyres and other items. They aim to secure an overall increase of about 71 per......
Railway Staff Warned
"U NLESS the present-day total of 570,000 railway staff is reduced by 10-12 per cent, in the next 15 years, we cannot hope to revitalize the railways and make them an economic......
"use 30 M.p.h.," Says Minister
"M AKE use of your 30 m.p.h. now you have got . it," was the advice given by the MiTnister of Transport, Mr: Harold Watkinson, at the annual luncheon of the Road Haulage......
Bus Wage Talks Continue
A T last Friday's meeting of the 4 -1 . National Council for the Omnibus Industry (The Commercial Motor, May 10) the trade union's claim for substantial wage •increases,......