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Rates For Christmas Post Office Hire
A S the result of a joint meeting with the A.R.O., C.M.U.A., London and Home Counties Haulage Contractors Association and the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen ,......
Magistrate Says Transport Men Are Stealing
R EFERENCE to what he atescribed as touting by receivers of stolen goods at places frequented by road haulage drivers was made by Mr. H. T. Manknell, a defending solicitor, at......
Revisions In The S.j.c. Scheme
A REVISED draft of the memorandum and articles of association of Road Carriers Association, Ltd., which is the name suggested for the new body to be organized under the S.J.C.......
Drivers' Cafes As Works Canteens
S O many questions as to the provision of adequate food for drivers have been raised in Parliament and in the Press that more definite action than the mere instructing of &IN......