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Backer Backs Out: Connect Goes On
• Connect UK's largest backer has run into financial difficulties and has withdrawn its interest in the yet-to-belaunched parcels company. Even so Barry Glazer, Connect's......
Bouyant Figures At British Ports
• Associated British Ports, which operates 19 ports in the UK, has announced a 21% increase in pre-tax profits for the first six months of 1987. It has also forecast significant......
• Six Seddon Atkinson 4-11s — Equipped With Cab Phones,
portable televisions and radio/cassettes — have been bought by London haulage firm Les Sampson Services. The 38-tonne, twin-steer tractive units, which the manufacturer has......
Bbc Puts Trucks In The Picture
• This is the re-vamped livery that the BBC has adopted for its fleet of more than 1,000 commercial vehicles. It features two tones of grey divided by a narrow white line, and......
• Peugeot Talbot, Which Sells The Talbot Express And Peugeot
205 and 305 vans in the UK, made £5.7 million nett profit in the first six months of 1987. This compares with a loss of 28.3 million for the same period last year, and a 214.9......
• Specialist Vehicle Manufacturer Dennis Eagle Was One Of...
star performers at Hestair during the first six months of this year. In the half-year to the end of June Dennis sold 287 vehicles, an increase of 34.1% on the corresponding......
• P&o Has Announced Pre-tax Profits For The First Six
months of 1987 of £101.1 million, a sharp increase from last year's £69.8 million, confirming that most of its costs from the sinking of the Herald of Free Entoprise have been......