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Haulage Fines Go Through The Roof
• The level of fines that magistrates inflict on hauliers is set to soar. When the Criminal Justice Act comes into force next month the maximum fine for an overloading or......
French Blockade Compensation Bid
• Hauliers represented by the Road Haulage Association are demanding £300,000 (FF2,768,016) compensation from the French Government for losses which they incurred during this......
Accident Teams Check On Foreign Sideswipers
• County surveyors from England and Wales and the Department of Transport are to be briefed at a meeting in November on side swiping accidents caused by foreign trucks.......
Tank Investigation • Two Small Splits Have Been Found On
the Linkman tanker which exploded in Sunderland last month with 33,000 litres of petrol on board. HSE investigations into the structure of the tank continue (CM 3-9 September).......