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Hi-tech Trial For London Buses
• London Buses is to take part in the trials of an electronic navigation and vehicle location system which is being installed in Westminster and along the M4 to Heathrow. The......
St Seven Former Employees Of Go-ahead Northera This Week...
The busmen, led by Norman McCulloch, claim they were sacked when GoAhead Northern discovered they were considering setting up a rival bus company. "They told us we were sacked......
7,000 Chase After London's 600 Seats
• More than 7,000 wouldbe London Bus PSV drivers competed for 600 job vacancies following an aggressive marketing campaign (CM, 28 March). Between January and March, London......
Bedford Boom At Reeve
• Reeve Burgess is working on more than E800,000 worth of coaches based on the Bedford VAS chassis, which ceased production in December last year. The Chesterfield-based......