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Electronic Headaches
• Your feature "Five Rounds of Boxing Clever" (CM April 4) made interesting reading. Accepting that these electronically controlled gearboxes make the driver's life easier there......
Tacho Truth In I Was Very Interested To See The
Hawk's article on the "Planispheric Astrolube" and believe I can throw some light on the subject. Our records show that Jose Kienzle was returning from a tour of duty in......
Eagles Soar
II May I tell your readers a true story of a fleet engineer who was an avid believer in Gardner engines, until a mere lorry driver converted him to Perkin's Eagle RR engines.......
Manx Answirs • I Was Thumbing Through A Back Issue
of Commercial Motor recently and came across a news report on AMBEX 86 (21 June 1986 edition). Please could you tell me whether this is a motor show for ambulance builders? Is......
Sponsorship • I Wish To Contact Any Manufacturers,...
or agencies with a view to receiving sponsorship to pay the tuition fees for an HGV course. These fees are particularly high in this country and being unemployed I could never......
Dignity • J Speller Says (cm, April 11, Dear Sir)
he was horrified to learn that the Herald of Free Enterprise was to be refloated and put back into service. I thoroughly agree that this is an insult to the dignity of the......
• Readers' Letters Are Welcomed. The Editor Reserves The...
to edit all letters. Please send them to Commercial Motor, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS.......