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Orv Threat To Gl
CONSERVATIVE councils would seek an injunction to stop the Greater London Council from cutting London Transport fares by 25 per cent, the GLC's Conservative transport spokesman......
Bill 'falsehoods' Turned Down
CLAIMS that the Transport Bill would hit concessionary fares for the elderly and the disabled are totally false, Transport Under Secretary Reg Eyre has told MPs. Speaking in the......
Special Hearing For Plbs
LONDON TRANSPORT is planning to consider the application by Associated Minibus Operators to run a network of Hong Kong public light bus-style minibus routes in London at a......
Masefield Supports Govt
THE WHITE PAPER on bus subsi dies is a "forceful and stimulal ing document which will "sec sibly remove" the confusio arising from the Law Lords Interpretation of the 1969 Tram......