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We Want Freedom
E WIDE GAP between British t r lity is apparent in statements nd Government spokesmen on EC transport ministers. While Thursday's meeting as expected to resolve little o her......
A13 Speed Up
SpEED LIMITS on several sections of the A13 in the London Boroughs of Newham, Barking, Dagenham and Havering have n amended to bring them to line with major radial routes of the......
'tomcat' Jibe At Glc Roads
A BID for the Department of Transport to hand over many of the trunk roads in London to the Greater London Council was made last week when the GLC transport committee met. The......
Multipart Upsets Factors
INDEPENDENT motor factors have become upset by Muttipart's pricing policy which is claimed to be unfair and non-profitmaking in many cases. Multipart, which is Leyland's parts......