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Urban Bus Services Will Be The Theme Of A Two-day
meeting in Hull organised by the Association of District Councils on March 29 and 30. • Although most of the Speakers will be managers of the bus undertakings run by District......
Duple Cuts The Hump
DUPLE coachbuilders have designed a new interior front end for Ford coaches fitted with the inclined front engine option offered by Tricentrol. The floor line rises slightly......
Phone Bookings Warning By Cpt
TELEPHONE bookings for .coaches could lead operators into trouble unless they make it clear that their following confirmation will incorporate conditions of hiring. The......
Bus Body Plaxton Designers Are Working On A New Service
bus body to replace its present "Derwent" design which has now been in production for many years. The new design has not yet been finalised, but it seems likely that it will be......