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"itaitivl Ike 6 9 Tutu Rd Me I Was Very Interested
in the article on tachographs by the Liverpool driver ("Figures fit for a tacho, CM February 4). He indeed must be a very educated man to have given the figures you have......
Spagiak Lasko
I wonder if it is possible, through CM, to thank publicly a Mr Cook and a Mr Brownell. These two gentleman helped me to enjoy a tour of the Chrysler factory in Madrid, Spain. Mr......
Sepaute Kith
It is sad that John Darker, in his comments to Mr Webb (CM, January 21, "Dear Sir . sees the relationship between fitters and inspectors as one of tension and deception. Both......
Am Particularly Interested In The Article "a New Concept In
Depot Design" by John Durant (CM, January 28;). This, I believe, is the first time that the managerial discipline 'terotechnology' has been described in a responsible transport......