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Enter Leyland National With An Integral Bus
BLMC 50 PER CENT HOLDING IN BRISTOL/ECW by Derek Moses • "This is the most advanced bus in the world. As Great Britain's largest motor manufacturer we are delighted to be......
New Grades, New Name For Institute
• A new name for the Institute of Transport related to the Royal Charter: changes in membership grades: stiffer entry requirements and a re-shaping of the examinations: and a......
Wages Council Proposes 10s A Week On Basic Pay
Increases in basic minimum, subsistence, and night work rates, longer holidays linked to years of service • After a day-long meeting on Wednesday of last week, the Road Haulage......
- I D Off Dery
• With effect from Wednesday. July 16, Shell Me,, and BP reduced the scheduled price for all grades of gas, diesel and fuel oils, including derv, by +d a gallon. This follows......