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Q I Am A Timber Contractor Engaged In Felling And...
most of which goes as pulp wood for papermaking. However, a small proportion is sent to local sawmills. am interested in the possibility of doing the short-distance haulage with......
I N I Read With Interest The Item "on The Ill
beach" in CM 's Bird's eye view column, June 6 issue. Could you tell me where! can get a copy of Citizen Soldiers, the booklet mentioned. A A copy of Citizen Soldiers which is......
Q Have Been Told That It Is Illegal To Use Flashing
amber lights when towing a broken down or damaged vehicle. Is this correct? A Yes. The lamp must only be used in the ^ immediate vicinity of the breakdown or accident and at no......
Q I Believe I Have Read In The Technical Press Of
an M.Sc. Degree in Transport. Could you tell me whether or not! am right and, if so, which university may be holding the appropriate courses? A We do not know of any British......