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Sparshatt's Appeal For Service Depot
From a Special Correspondent O N Tuesday Mr. John Sparshatt, managing director of J. H. Sparshatt and Sons Ltd., put forward a reason for the present controversial condition of......
National Steward's Authority Final And Binding
I N response to reports of national stewards discussed at a meeting of the national executive committee of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition on Tuesday that Section 17 of......
Southdown Golden Jubilee
44 -T-HE, test for all companies is that L employees don't leave—that tells you a lot about an employer ", was the pertinent comment made by Alderman Frank Lines, Lord Mayor of......
Free-depot Liners
Nip. TOM FRASER emphasized in M the Commons this week that he wants liner trains to operate from open terminals. He made this point after Mr. E. Popplewell (Lab., Newcastle......
More Lights?
THE Minister of Transport told MPs L that he would consider extending the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations, 1964, so as to require lights or reflectors on the sides of shorter......
Low Freight Rates M R. Stephen Sw1ngler This Week Turned...
a suggestion that legislation should he introduced to ensure that private industry got freight services at reasonable rates when the railways had withdrawn and the only......
Brs Licences A Bout 6 Per Cent Of The A
and B .C - 1. licences and about 1 per cent of all goods vehicles with a carrier's licence were operated by British Road Services, said Mr. Fraser this week. ETOM Purchase: The......
Fares Concessions — No Extension The Minister Was...
success—to extend legislation about concessionary fares to include cases where the local authority was the principal shareholder in a company-run transport undertaking. Turning......
Railway Vehicle Re-equipment
THE Minister of Transport has just I received, and is considering, British Railways' proposals for modernizing its road haulage fleet with 5,500 new vehicles. When he gave this......
Materials Handling Developments
A N extensive survey of the shortfl comin g s in the transhipment of goods in this country was called for this week by Mr. C. R. Bence (Lab., Dunbartonshire East) who stressed......