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New Bedford Chassis—contd.
circuits to front and rear axles. In the unlikely event of a failure in the servo assistance (air pressure with diesel engines and suspended vacuum with the petrol engine) there......
School Driver Who Waited—a Discharge
A COACH driver who waited for over 20 minutes in a restricted street to take children home from a school in Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1, pleaded not guilty at Wells Street......
Looking Into Restrictive Practices
" rps ESTRICTIVE practices are by no I means universal in the bus industry but in varying forms they do exist and it is entirely wholesome that both sides of the National......
Aldershot's Rural Bu S Services In Danger
FINLESS there was a material abate ment ment of tax in the near future, the Aldershot and District Traction Co. Ltd. would be compelled to withdraw a number of its rural......
Fares Increases For Prices Board?
L'ARES increases from N. to 4d. applied for by East Midland Motor Services Ltd., Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd. and Midland General Omnibus Co. Ltd. may be referred to the......