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G Drive A Leyland Beaver Semi-auto
matic tractive unit, operating at a gross weight of 32 tons. My employer is in some doubt as to whether I am entitled to a Class 1 hgv driving licence. As you are aware this......
Q Could You Give Me The Name Of A Firm That
can supply either limited slip differentials or differential locks for my Land-Rover? A Limited slip differentials and differential locks are not commercially available for the......
A We Run A Mixed Fleet Of Flats And Tankers With
the odd tipper as welL We are beginning to find that the loads are being passed to us in metric measure. Do you know of a publication which gives two way conversions not just of......
Q Recently I Purchased A 1970 Bedford
VAL coach with the 466 engine and five-speed overdrive box. The body fitted to this chassis is a 53-seater Continental, unladen weight 7 tons 1 Bcwt. I find the vehicle is......
Q Could You Give Me Some Addresses Of Foreign Commercial...
This summer! hope to spend a few ureeks in France and Spain on a camping holiday With a friend. We are both motor engineering students training with a truck manufacturer. On a......
Q We Carry Inflammable Chemicals And Normally Do Not...
London but recently one or two loads have had to go by way of the Thames tunnels. We seem to have encountered two different sets of regulations for different tunnels; can you......
A Lam Aware That In Legal Terms A "motor Car" Is
a vehicle with an unladen weight not exceeding 3 tons and that a "heavy motor car" exceeds 3 tans unladen, but where does an articulated vehicle stand in this definition? A An......