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Dispute about a dispute Perhaps your article on page 22 of CM June 11 "Labour Relations Round-up" by John Darker, should have read: "Attacking the inions"; or is it just my own......
'sociar Theories Of Eec
Your editorial of June 4 gives me the opportunity to make two comments. First, to confirm that, in Britain, we are extremely fortunate in the working relationship we have with......
Unemployed Drivers
May 21) was not alone in making approaches to the Road Transport Industry Training Board to draw unemployed people from the employment exchanges to supply the industry with......
Driver Comfort And Safety
I read with interest the article on cab comfort .{CM May 21) and the letter from Mr E. G. Corke (CM May 28). In my opinion the heavy vehicle of today is noisy and uncomfortable,......
First In The Big Field May We Just Comment Briefly
on Mr., Alex Mortimer's letter (CM June 4) regarding our national commercial vehicle underchassis spares service? If Guaranteed Vehicle Spares Ltd has been specializing in cv......