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Unions To Meet On Bus Pay Inquiry
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT TO Mr. Aubrey Jones' National Board for Prices and Incomes must go top prize for the understatement of the week. Told of the executive decision......
Cheap Fares Cost Edinburgh £240,000
T HE cheap fares scheme for Edinburgh's old-age pensioners has lost nearly E+rn. in its first year. Mr. Ronald Cox, the Corporation's transport manager, reported to the......
No Standing At Leeds
TARGER singleand double-decker buses are to be introduced by Leeds City Transport to give greater comfort and eventually cut out the need for standing passengers. As a first......
Protest March By Busmen
M EMBERS of the Bus Crews Association, a breakaway group of Glasgow busmen from the TGWU, are to hold a demonstration march tomorrow (March 19). It is in protest against Glasgow......