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Out-of-date Attitude
It can only be fair comment at this juncture to mention that in 1966 this 3d. per hour is still with us, and that hundreds of such supervisors are just three packets of......
The Foreman's Problems Let Us Now Look At The Garage
or workshop foreman again, and see just what he is faced with in the way of problems—apart from the complexities of the modern vehicle! First of all in the larger firm it is......
A Worthwhile Salary?
Therefore his hands are full indeed, and his best effort and interest is called for. Surely such a responsible job will give him a good worthwhile salary? But there again he has......
The Man In Command Finally A Look At The Man
in command of the transport engineering function. With 200 vehicles and upwards he is probably called a fleet engineer. Let us examine two aspects (a) what is expected of him?......