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Two Excess Fuel Conversion Kits
P RICES have been issued for the two new conversion kits for diesel engine excess fuel devices announced by C.A.V., Ltd., at their northern area's agents conference in March......
Orbital Sander
A NEW orbital sander made by Rupes of Milan has been introduced into the U.K. It is known as the Super Stork 7000 Orbital and has a + h.p. motor which runs at 7,000 r.p.m. The......
Good For Planning
LTHOUGH intended primarily for r -1 garages and service stations, a recent publication by the Garage Equipment Association, 11 Ironmonger Lane, London, E.C.1, will be of value......
Axle Maintenance
A MAINTENANCE manual has been 1 - 1. produced by Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd., giving concise and essential information on the installation and maintenance of heavy-duty trailer......
Glass Fibre Leaflet
A LEAFLET of Deeglas A type i1 reinforcements for plastics mouldings has been produced by Deeglas Fibres, Ltd., a subsidiary of B.T.R. Industries, Ltd., Stanhope Road,......
Electric Vehicles
A SMALL booklet on electric vehicles has been produced by the Electric Vehicle Association of Great Britain, Ltd., 2 Savoy Hill, London, W.C.2. It includes information on the......
Anti-vibration Mounting
rA A NEW anti-Vibration mounting un for tanks on road vehicles has bee developed by BTR Industries, Ltt Designed to combine maximum strengt with minimum weight, the unit, Typ......
Soluble Resins
rl A BOOKLET on Epok water solub paint resins has just been publishc by British Resin Products, Ltd. TI booklet contains the latest informatic on these resins and includes......
Releasing Moulded Plastic
THE uses of Cellophane as a relea agent in reinforced-plastics mouldh processes are explained in a new 28-pa publication entitled "Cellophane— Solid Release Agent" from Briti......