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Tanker Conversions Forecast In Sutton Case
I N the future it might become the practice for flat lorries to be converted into tankers by the addition of portable, collapsible containers, stated Mr. P. J. Schofield, a......
British Trade Fair, Stockhoh
A MONG the exhibitors of commerci vehicles and ancillary equipme present at the British Trade Fair whil opens in Stockholm today and closes ■ Sunday, June 3, are the British Mot......
Compensation Appeal Is Rejected Luir. Clarence Henry...
"The High," Crosthwaite, near Kendal, failed last Friday in a High Court appeal against the refusal of the Compensation Appeal Tribunal to vary a decision of the British......
L.a. On "the Pirates Of Road Haulage"
T HE "pirates of the road haulage industry who cheat as hard as they can by getting round the regulations in respect of articulated vehicles," were referred to by the Northern......