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• Faraway Places
The free trip to the Amazon rain forest, or the Khyber Pass tour? Faced with this choice at Victoria Coach Station last week I plumped for the Amazon, as you can see from the......
• A Network?
National Travel's express services executive, Derek Fytche, told me that if the experiment proved successful it could be the beginning of a national network, based initially on......
• Mini-watergate?
Ken Jackson, the TGWU's chief road transport official, tells me that the enforcement file of the Road Haulage Wages Council is confidential to members. Consequently he — or any......
• Island Fresh
It's an ill wind. . and on this occasion the soaring price of meat is giving not only the fish industry but also the fish transport business a boost. Ken Cook, m.d. of Midlands......
• Impact Disease
In New Zealand they have coined a name for road accident injuries and deaths — they call it impact disease. Something, perhaps, to bring you up short and make you think. The......
• Tough Talk
I see that "Teddy" Gleason, 73-year-old president of the International Longshoremen's Association, told the New York and New Jersey Motor Truck Associations recently: "We're not......
• Right Lines
Orders for the Lucas llin. headlamps have come from an unexpected quarter. When Belgian State Railways saw the new light unit fitted to the Foden S80 at Earls Court last year......