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Big Plan To Stagger Hours In London
L ONDON TRANSPORT has agreed to ask the Ministry of Transport to call a conference of all Chambers of Commerce in the Central Area of London, the National Chamber of Trade, the......
Snow Removal Must Be Run On Fire-brigade Lines...
public transport Inand food supplies when roads are blocked with snow was one of the topics discussed at the autumn meeting of the Scottish Centre of the Institute of Public......
Clearing House Operators' Plans
T17 E National Conference of Road ransport Clearing Houses will hold its annual luncheon and general meeting at the Connaught Rooms, London, W.C.2, on November 6. The......
Fortnight Of Celebration For Manchester
A N attractive programme has been t g adrawn up for the celebration of the Motor Industry's Jubilee (North-West Division) in Manchester. To-night, a dinner-dance will be held......
Financial News Of The Industry
NEW COMPANIES IL E. Marsh and $on, Ltd.-Private company. Rea. Semm eber 17. cap. £10.000 in £1 shares. To acquire business of transport contractor carried on by Mrs E. E. Marsh......