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Many New Groups Being Formed
CORMATION of a new operating group at Coventry was announced at the recent general meeting of the National Association of Road Transport Groups. Arrangements were also being......
Road Transport Helps Shipbuilding Industry
Er 0 tractors, each capable of drawg 100 tons, last week towed a special Scammell 32-wheeled trailer on which was mounted a 70-ton load—half of the engine sole plate, with......
Government Contract Not Enough
A LTHOUGH the Ministry of Works had offered the firm a contract in connection with the building of a school, Mr. A. Henderson, Scottish Licensing Authority, refused an......
Personal Pars
Cardiff Transport Committee has appointed MR. J. W. DUNNING, traffic manager, as general manager. MR. PAUL WORTH, works manager of the India Tyre Co., Ltd., is visiting the......
"trade Honeymoon" Will Not Last
B RITAIN'S present "trade honeymoon " would not last much longer, said Sir Miles Thomas, vice-chairman of the Nuffield Organisation, in an interview before he sailed to America......
Damage To Roads: Liability For Compensation
A DECISION of interest to haulage contractors has been reported to the highways committee of Ross-shire County Council. The council brought an action against Messrs. Munro......
New Workshop Equipment Maker
E Q UIPM ENT for garages and service Listations is now being manufactured by Joseph H. Potts, Ltd., Belshill, Lanarkshire. This company recently exhibited a motor breakdown......
Leyland Exports
n RDERS for export to the value of £L000,000 have been received by Leyland Motors. I,td., during July, August and September. Contracts for over 100 machines, mostly heavy goods......