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Railways Should Pay For Bus Shelters, Inquiry Is Told
D ETAILS of the proposals to run additional bus services in the event of the closure of the rail passenger service on the Bournemouth to Temple Combe section were given at a......
Coach Exhibition By Surrey Dealer
A N exhibition of new and used coaches has been staged thil week at the Farnham showrooms of E. J. Baker and Co. (Dorking) Ltd., Vauxhall and Bedford dealers and remains open......
Fined On Timekeeping
E.OR failing to operate a bus service according to the timetable, Mr. Herbert Elwell of Trinity Road, Bridlington, has been fined £3 by Bridlington magistrates. He pleaded......
Link National Braking Standards To Plating'
WHILE the council of the Institute of IT Road Transport Engineers did not for a moment deny the need to increase vehicle weights and dimensions limits, it was very considerably......
Leyland Unit Exchanges At Fixed Prices
L'IXED prices for unit exchanges have been established by Leyland Motors, including a guarantee for remanufactured units similar to that given on new ones. Leyland has dropped......