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Apprentices Competition
EE NGINEERING drawin g , sheet metal work and panel beatin g are amon g the trades included in the 1964 international apprentices competition of the City and Guilds London......
Money For You?
Have you an idea that is worth passin g on to other readers ? it must relate to maintenance practice. If a panel, on which Handyman sits, considers your idea worth publishing......
Three Guineas For A Reader
T WO thou g hts on maintenance of a .5-I-litre B.M.C. diesel engine win three g uineas for Mr. D. V. Brown, of Monro Transport, London, N.17. A tool which he finds useful is one......
Road And Workshop B Y
Handyman Engine Damage after Coasting WHEN COASTING a heavy goods vehicle with its en g ine runnin g at tickover speed, there is a dan g er of g ivin g excessive shock loadin g......