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Ulk Body
all-steel lift-off bulk body for rries introduced by Lockwood raders (UK) Ltd., has a selflloading body designed priarily for hauling potatoes. lions, carrots and grain but >uld......
Clutch Servo
An air-pressure-operated clutchcontrol system developed by the Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co. Ltd. combines a conventional hydraulically-actuated clutch slave cylinder with an......
Self Adhesive Letters
Transletters Ltd, has announced that Transletters self-adhesive water-slide letters are available in packs. Each pack contains a minimum of 72 characters in heights of +in.,......
Us-type Mirror The Atlantic, Latest And Largest In The Range
of mirrors from Wingard Ltd. measures 15 . +in. by 6in. and is baed on a type used extensively by hauliers in America. To ensure positive rigidity and freedom from vibration the......